OrganizerThe First International conference for Marketing in the Insurance industry is organized by the research group of IPAG Business School in Marketing for the Insurance industry. The research group regularly works with the main French insurance companies by developing executive education, seminars, conferences and research projects. For more information about all the activites on marketing in the insurance industry at IPAG Business School, contact Ilaria Dalla Pozza, Professor of Marketing, conference chair in charge of the development of research in marketing in the insurance industry at IPAG Business School: ilaria.dallapozza@ipag.fr
A diploma recognised by the state for 25 years The diploma of the school is recognised up to bac+ 5 and Master Grade by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, which involves: regular quality checks carried out by State agencies, the independence and moderation from juries, widely regarded degree at level M2 throughout Europe, and the opportunity for our students to receive scholarships from Crous. A classic and innovative curriculum A classic curriculum- Any business school now consists of two phases in its curriculum. The first phase, involving general and conventional business studies, takes place within the first three years. It gives students the fundamentals of management. This is the first cycle, corresponding to the level License. The second phase corresponds to a second cycle, the master level which takes place in two years. It is designed to give the students the opportunity to specialise within their favoured business functional routes. They choose their specialty in the fourth year and further develop this specialisation in the fifth year. True to its general purpose, Ipag prepares students in key functions, and business management areas. An innovative curriculum- Ipag has chosen to give each of its years a clear aim and a focal point right from the start. Objectives: To enable students to better connect functions together (eg, marketing, graphic design and communication), but also systematically involve the theory and practice as each year includes a course corresponding to the objective of the year. In combination with these objectives, the specialisation within the fourth and fifth years gives Ipagiens an exceptional balance of classic and innovative business theories which they will indisputably require in their professional lives. A Powerful Network Ipag has 6200 graduates in business, many of which have significant responsibilities (entrepreneurs, asset managers in large banks in London or Paris, leaders in luxury goods or retail). The alumni association is a dynamic network of former students; the alumni association of Ipag promotes and develops its image and reputation within companies, recruitment agencies and the general public. They also offer advice and assistance on a professional level for those who want it. An International School With Ipag, the world is yours. You are in direct contact with foreign institutions and without any additional cost of tuition, students can benefit immensely from the exchange programmes offered. Whether internships abroad or semesters of study in partner universities or classes taught by English teachers here at Ipag, development of the second language or even learning a third language (Chinese, Russian ) is encouraged and provided. At Ipag, the international dimension profits the students greatly and facilitates them to enhance their language skills. Therefore, any graduate of Ipag has a passport to the world. |